Reaching out to victims of fraud.


Fraud can happen to anyone. From the high profile victims of Bernie Madhoff to the widow conned out of her life savings, no one is immune. But so often, the effects of fraud are dismissed. Victims are judged, their own behaviours raked over and analysed to find blame. And because of this stigma, few charities exist to actively help those who have fallen victim to fraud. 

Through no fault of their own, millions of people worldwide become victims of fraud and scams every year. But fraud takes so much more than just money. It takes your confidence, your pride, your ability to trust others. My partner in the foundation, Alex Herbertson and myself know, because we too were affected by fraud. 

How BHF came to be.

Many years ago, a former business associate of mine took software I had created and had it poorly recreated. He built something inferior and sold it in a way that defrauded many, including Alex. I was naturally upset and we fell out and didn't speak for nearly five years. In 2015 Alex purchased this software and realised it wasn't as good as was claimed on the sales call. He asked for a refund and was denied. Alex had enough and used whatever methods available to him to get the authorities to take action. Posting on forums, scam alert websites and hundreds of other places to bring awareness to what was happening to him and likely many other people. Alex assumed I was also involved, and asked me for recompense. I had to explain that I didn't get along with the ex-business associate, we hadn't spoken in many years and I had absolutely nothing to do with his company. I told Alex that one day I would create a charity with him to help people who have become victims of fraud.

Our journey to reconciliation was long but it has confirmed to both of us that together we can fight for victims of fraud and assist them in their journey to rebuild their lives.

How we help.

When someone falls victim to fraud, we’re there to pick up the pieces. Taking each on a case-by-case basis, the Foundation aims to bring comfort to those who’ve been defrauded. We might not be able to get back all the money they’ve lost but we can help them to get back on their feet and start again.

The Correa Family Foundation was formed by Houston Astros player, Carlos Correa and his wife Daniella, to work with and support children and their families affected by childhood cancers. Transformative experiences and financial support bring much needed help to people going through the worst that life can throw at you. 

I know because I’ve been through it. My daughter was diagnosed with cancer at just five months old. She didn’t go into remission until 5 years old, so I know too well the stress and hardship the family unit goes through when a child is sick with cancer. Never before had I felt pain and fear like it. So when we launched The Emerald Isle with Fabergé there was only one charity I wanted to support. 

The Emerald Isle and The Correa Family Foundation

Being in a position to donate the proceeds from the first bottle of The Emerald Isle to The Correa Family Foundation felt as though a life’s work had paid off. My daughter’s illness had pushed me to achieve in order to support her and my family, but that same drive has now allowed me to support others. And that has, without a doubt, made all the early mornings and late nights worthwhile. 

For more information on The Correa Family Foundation, check out their website.